Meet our people: Gus Brown
Our people are incredible. A passionate and committed bunch of spectacular individuals that make Cohere whole.
Welcome to the first in a series of blogs, Meet our People. A brief introduction to the members of our team who day in and day out give our purposeful work their all because we believe deeply – in our bones deeply – in the power of community.
Introducing Gus Brown
With rich experience in recreation management, Gus jumped from serving the City of Peoria to Cohere 7 years ago. Starting as Community Programs Manager in Verrado, he progressed to Community Manager at Alamar, and will begin transitioning to a new role with us in the coming months, Business Operations Manager.
What do you love about working for Cohere?
The best thing about working for Cohere is the built-in understanding and support to care for myself and my family when and as needed. I am inspired by and passionate about my family. They come first. I want to set the foundation for my young family now, raising my boys with Christian values. Cohere allows me to put my family first.
Who do you admire and why?
My dad is full of so much wisdom. I consider him my mentor. I hold so much love and admiration for my wife. She homeschools our two boys, cooks, cares for all of us, and she maintains composure no matter what life brings. Robin is incredible.
What has been your most rewarding work during your Cohere tenure?
Hands down, collaborating on the March of the Fallen event at Verrado. It was beautiful to see the support our team and partners gave to this event, honoring those who have been wounded or killed in service to our country.
What does community mean to you?
Community is the heartbeat. While developments can be found on every corner, those developments with community have a pulse. A connection. A reason for being. A sense of care for each other.
At Cohere, we say breaking a sweat and breaking bread are two great ways to build community. In that spirit, potlucks are a great and simple way to build community. So of course, we want to know, what’s your go-to potluck meal?
Green chili taco meat with homemade salsa. It’s so yum, I’m willing to share my Salsa recipe. Now if you asked me what my favorite meal is, I’d have to go with my wife’s homemade spaghetti.
What do you think people would be surprised to know about you?
I’m really good at building stuff and love wood working.
I’m an extreme introvert and have learned to be extroverted if needed.
I value people who tell it like it is…who speak their truth without sugar coating it.
Name 3-5 songs you love and tell us what they say about you.
Come and Get Your Love, Redbone
We Don’t Talk about Bruno, Disney Encanto
Keep Your Head Up, Andy Grammar
All three of these songs are tied to special memories I’ve shared with my family. In addition to these songs, I’d love front-row seats to an Eagles concert someday.
Favorite saying/moto: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Favorite tradition: taking my family to see Christmas lights during the month of December.
Favorite place: Disney World
Best advice: roll with the punches
Best gift: my two boys